Re: get current time / win32: got UTC instead of local time

On Wed, 7 Dec 2005 20:47:32 +0000
Felix Kater <f kater2 gmx net> wrote:


to sum up:

With g_get_current_time() / win32 it seems that I get UTC instead of
the local time. How can I get the local time?

Long version:

I use g_get_current_time() / win32 to set GTimeVal and calculate the
current hour of the
day (0-23) like this:

 my_gtimeval.tv_sec % (3600*24) / 3600

My windows timezone is set to UTC+1 == GMT+1 == CET, however, this is
not respected. What ever I select as the windows timezone the above
formula calculates the same wrong hour (it seems to be UTC always).

How can I get the local time?

did you try with
  time_t t;
  struct tm *lt;

  t = time (NULL);
  lt = localtime (&t);
  sprintf (current_time_ret, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
           lt->tm_year+1900, lt->tm_mon+1, lt->tm_mday,
           lt->tm_hour, lt->tm_min, lt->tm_sec);

it works on windows and linux.

HuamiSoft Hubert Sokolowski
tel. 501456743

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