Re: A springs and struts widget for GTK+

andrey wrote:
"Side to side" layout make more flexibility for different font... ,
 but in some cases size of interface code is'n optimized (very large).
 Using "position" layout may reducing code.

Sounds like an evil compromise just to make your code smaller,
to make your code less complex, why not simply use a glade file ?

Using fixed positioning is still very usefull when developing
custom UI's on fixed resolutions (or standard sets of expected
resolutions) where widgets are skinned by hand, most of the
time the artist is working with a grid; he knows that his "stop"
button is precicely 147x83 pixels and it goes at position 42/83
(and dont even think of telling him your going to screw with his
artwork with evil resizing and refitting ;-p ).

Ofcourse this doesn't apply to the desktop...


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