Web Queries through GTK

I need to make http: Get/Post queries through my GTK application, 

is there any MSWinsock, MSCOMM, MSINET or MSWebBrowser control kind of 
Wigets available in GTK, to address networking issues.

Any specifications about using Sockets in GTK or we can use them the way we 
do in normal C applications. I mean any predefined macros and all...

Bhatnagar Achindra

Towards Invincibility !
www.mcp-achindra.it.tt <http://www.mcp-achindra.it.tt>

"All men seek one goal: success or happiness. The only way to achieve true 
success is to express yourself completely in service to society. First, have 
a definite, clear, practical ideal—a goal, an objective. Second, have the 
necessary means to achieve your ends—wisdom, money, material and methods. 
Third, adjust all your means to that end,"


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