Re: How do I force a window to stay on the top (or bottom)


On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 15:01:07 -0400
Irwin Michael G DLVA <IrwinMG NSWC NAVY MIL> wrote:

Hello.  I have an application in which there is a window taking up the
majority of the screen, which the user will not be allowed to move. 
window calls other smaller windows (dialog and selection boxes, stuff
that).  I need to make sure that these children windows always remain
on top
of the main window.  Is there some simple way of doing that?

I've tried calling set_keep_below(true) in the constructor for the
window, as well as trying set_keep_above(true) in the constructor for
child window.  Neither of these seems to work.  Am I implementing
functions wrong, or am I on the wrong track altogether?

try gtk_window_set_transient_for


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