Progress bars and syscals


Since i'm quite new to both C and Gtk, i met a problem which i am not able to solve. The base of the problem is that i have a task, which should fetch several files from the internet. When a button is pressed, a new window with a progress bar opens and indicates the progress of the task. Basicly, since i thought C is a linear language, i just added several system() calls and added gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction between them like so:

  system("wget file.a");
  gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(pb1), 0.3);
  system("wget file.b");
  gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(pb1), 0.6);  ...

and so on.

The result was that the program first executed the system calls, and only afterwards did it paint something or tampered with the progress bar.

Why? How to go around this? What to read?

Thank you,

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