Re: Callbacks from an idle function

On 04/08/2005 11:41:57 AM, Vivien Malerba wrote:
On Apr 8, 2005 5:26 PM, Peter Bloomfield <peterbloomfield bellsouth net> wrote:
[ snip ]
Perhaps you're trying to use gdk_threads_enter recursively? Instant lock...

I did not use gdk_threads_enter()/gdk_threads_leave() when I posted
the message.

Oh, well, *there*'s the problem!

I fact I have managed to make it work somehow by adding gdk_threads_enter() before the first line of code in my idle function and gdk_threads_leave() at the end.

Strange considering I have only one thread!

Evidently, during destruction, gtk/gdk do things in a thread-aware way that requires the lock to be held. Just one more mystery...

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