Re: activating a toggle menu item

Op di 28-09-2004, om 10:07 schreef Joop Stakenborg:
I have created a menu using the GtkAction api and added a
GtkToggleActionEntry like this:

static GtkToggleActionEntry toggle_entries[] = {
  { "FullScreen", NULL, "_Full Screen", "F11", "NULL, NULL, FALSE }

using the follow gtk_action call:

gtk_action_group_add_toggle_actions (action_group, toggle_entries,
G_N_ELEMENTS (toggle_entries), window);

Now I want to check the menuitem at program start. 

I have found a very simple way, just call:

toggle_entries[0].is_active = TRUE;

before calling gtk_action_group_add_toggle_actions.


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