Re: GtkFileChooser and UTF-8

On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 02:14:32 +0100
John Cupitt <jcupitt gmail com> wrote:

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 22:21:48 +0200, Hubert Sokolowski
<h sokolowski wsisiz edu pl> wrote:
It seems like GtkFileChooser does not convert files and directory
to UTF-8 when browsing and when creating does not convert from UTF-8
local character set (ISO-8859-2 for me). 

AFAIK, no, you have to convert:

see the discussion at the top, then g_filename_to_utf8()
I don't think so. maybe I didn't explain it well. here are the problems:
1. I create a file from let say xterm, the filename has characters from
my local character set. when I open a gtkfilechooser the filename is not
displayed correctly. 
2. I create a directory from a gtkfilechooserdialog also with
foreign characters. then the name of the directory is displayed
correctly, but only in a gtkfilechooserdialog. in xterm it is not.

Hubert Sokolowski

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