Weird behaviour when etting font size in vte

I'm using a vte in my program. I wanted the hability to set the font used by the terminal emulator, so I'm using a GtkFontButton to pop-up a font selector, and then I set the vte font from what the user chose.

The code works, but there is an interesting behaviour: the size of the font that the vte starts using is not the size of the font that is displayed in the preview area of the font selection dialog.

   I'm attaching a sample program that shows this strange behaviour.

Gtk version: 2.4.4
Pango version: 1.4.1
Vte version: 0.11.11

Linux system running kernel 2.4.22 (doubt if it makes a difference, though), gcc vesion 3.3.4

The law will never make men free; it is men who have got to make the law free.
                -- Henry David Thoreau

ekalin bol com br

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