Re: GTK newbie questions: using "What's This" and using Yelp

Look at the scrollkeeper tutorial at:

Thanks for the link. Now I've got .omf and .desktop files and also got yelp to
recognize my DocBook documentation. It was tough because my DocBook
XML file was parsing but yelp was crashing (doh!). So I had to put id attributes
on each sect1 and sect2 to make it work. It seems to me that yelp is somewhat
weak at dealing with the DocBook DTD. Unless your document is in the same
format as everyone else's it just won't work, no matter whether your DocBook
sources abide to the DocBook DTD or not. That kind of sucks.

Any comments?

Anyways, I've seen some software (like Glade), call yelp from the help menu.
How is that done?



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