Re: blocking signal emission

Dnia 10-10-2004, nie o godzinie 13:41 +0200, Tomek Grzejszczyk napisał:
Another question is how to do 
it in a nice way. Because a signal connection happens in a file 
autogenerated by glade with a clear header "DON'T EDIT". So I don't want 
to edit it.

Uh-oh. It should be labelled "DON'T USE", unfortunately it's not stated
clear enough in glade's own documentation, nor in easily available
sources - don't use glade-generated code. Unless you absolutely, totally
can't use libglade, don't use it. If you can, use libglade. Glade-
generated code is only going to give you pain and suffering.


"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 wp pl>

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