blocking "event"-signal for canvas when handled by item

hi hi,

I have a gnome-canvas with several items on. these items are derived from
gnome-canvas-item and handle the "event" signal themselfs. One thing that they
do there is opening a popup-menu on mouse-clicks. That works so far.

When right clicking on the canvas background I also would like to open a context
menu. I therefore tried 4 variants:

// connecting the canvas to "event" causes the canvas not to draw !?!

// that seems to be invalid

// that does nothing at all

// this causes both menus to apprear, when clicking on a canvas item

The event-routines of the canvas-items return TRUE if the have already handled
the signal. I thought that would avoid the "event-after" as beeing submitted.

I also tried to stop the emmision of the "event-after" signal for the canvas, in
case I have handled the event aready, but that fails too.

Any ideas for how to properly do it?


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