Re: GtkEntryCompletion and column wrapping

On Fri, 2004-05-28 at 09:18, martyn 2 russell bt com wrote:

I have been using the new Gtk 2.4 widgets (specifically the

My problem is that the first and only column used appears to wrap when
the content is little.  In this case, we are putting numbers into the
completion model and when the drop down appears, it looks like:

      | 1                          |
      | 123456789      123456788   |
      | 111111111      111111111   |
      | .                          |
      | .                          |

Sorry if the ASCII art fails miserably to portrait what I mean :/

Is there a column / cell layout attribute required to stop this from

Any pointers appreciated :)

I have no idea how that would be possible. There is a may_wrap field in
the entry completion struct, but it seems totally unused. Can you
provide a small testcase showing that behaviour ?


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