Re: Slow canvas performance

Thanks for this.  Sadly, when I try to get it, I get this message: web content is currently down as part of the migration to
a spiffy new server

I went to the ViewCVS page and downloaded the source files, but know
nothing at all about configure.  When I tried to run the
script I got a message saying I had to install gnome-common. This is a
problem since I don't have root access on my machine, so would have to
get Systems Support to install it for me.  As I'm only in the process of
trying to find a faster canvas, I'm reluctant to do that before I'm
confident it's going to do what I actually want.

Is there a ready-made foocanvas library I can install that doesn't
require gnome-common?

Or is there some other way around this problem that I haven't thought
of?  For instance, is there a way to install gnome-common somewhere that
doesn't require root privileges?


Jody Goldberg wrote:
On Wed, May 05, 2004 at 12:11:49PM +0100, Rob Clack wrote:


Where can I find foocanvas and any information about it? I've spent some time in Google but although I see lots of references to it, I can't find where to download it, nor any documentation.

It is on in module foocanvas.  Nautilus and Gnumeric
have local copies.

We also have an import tool

 If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out.
 Rob Clack                        Acedb Development,  Informatics Group
 email: rnc sanger ac uk                Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
 Tel: +44 1223 494883                   Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
 Fax: +44 1223 494919                   Hinxton  Cambridge    CB10 1SA

 The first 90% of the task takes 90% of the effort;
 the remaining 10% takes the other 90%.
 Rob Clack                        Acedb Development,  Informatics Group
 email: rnc sanger ac uk                Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
 Tel: +44 1223 494883                   Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
 Fax: +44 1223 494919                   Hinxton  Cambridge    CB10 1SA

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