Problems with g_signal_connect_swapped()

Hello, this is my first post, I'm from México and my english is not good, I hope you understand my posts, by the way, I'm a begginer in Gtk+.
Well, I have a probem, I 've wriiten a small program that lexically analize words, those are: getc, gets, getch & getchar. My program uses an automata algorythm with its transition table. I made a GUI with Gtk that uses a GtkEntry that receive the word to analize and a button with label 'Analizar', when I type a word and make 'click' in the button, the program ends and the console shows a message: 'Segment viotation', the program should generate a dialog window with the message: 'Cadena Aceptada' or 'Cadena No Reconocida'.
The porgram in console mode runs normally and make the things good.
The code is the following:
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
gint tabla[6][5] = {1,-1,-1,-1, 2,
     -1, 3,-1,-1,-1,
     -1,-1, 4,-1,-1,
      -1,-1,-1, 5,-1,
gint Ei = 0, F[4] = {1,2,3,5};
gchar cadena[5] = {'c','h','a','r','s'};
gint salir(GtkWidget *win, gpointer dato)
 g_print("Saliendo de la aplicación...\n");
 return FALSE;
gint mueve(gint St, gchar cad)
 int x;
 for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
  if (cad == cadena[x])
   return tabla[St][x];
 return -1;
gint buscar(gint St)
 int x;
 for (x = 0; x < 4; x++)
  if (St == F[x])
   return 0;  
 return 1;
void lexico(GtkWidget *campo)
 GtkWidget *otra_win, *mensaje, *ok, *box;
 otra_win = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
 ok = gtk_button_new_with_label("Hecho");
 box = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE,10);
 gchar *str, *res = '\0';
 gint S = Ei, i = 0, tot;
 tot = strlen(str);
 i = 3;
 if (!strncmp("get",str,3))
  while(i < tot)
   if (S < 0)
   S = mueve(S, str[i]);
  } if (!buscar(S))
  res = "Cadena Aceptada";
  res = "Cadena No Reconocida";
 mensaje = gtk_label_new(res);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 GtkWidget *win, *label, *entry, *btn_ok, *hbox, *vbox;
 win = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
 gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(win),"Analizador Léxico");
 hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE,5);
 vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE,10);
 label = gtk_label_new("Cadena");
 entry = gtk_entry_new();
 btn_ok = gtk_button_new_with_label("Analizar");
 return 0;

I used Gtk+ v.2.2.4, I hope you help me. Thanks

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