Re: Closing a window

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Ruben Rubio wrote:
I have tried a lot. Im able to open the new window but I dont know how
to close the first one. This is my last code:

on_cmdNext_clicked (GtkButton *button,
                                        gpointer         user_data)

  GtkWidget *nextstep;
  nextstep = create_srcStepTwo();
  gtk_widget_destroy (button); //Here fails How can i get the pointer to
                             // the first window??
Hello Ruben,
what you can do for example is move up the widget hierarchy starting with
your button until you find a widget of type GtkWindow. Your code could
look something like:

  GtkWidget *pWidget = button;
  do {
    pWidget = gtk_widget_get_parent(pWidget);
  } while (pWidget && !GTK_IS_WINDOW(pWidget));

After this loop pWidget should contain a pointer to your first window.

Peter Krüger

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