Re: finalize, dispose and destroy

Keep in mind some of these leaks in 'X or GTK+' can often be a result of
you not freeing somethign from a call to these libraries (but obviously
not always)

for example of you call g_strdup_printf("%s", blah); an dpass that
direct to a function rather than storing it in a temporary variable to
free(); it then the memory leak shows up in the glib code, same for
using g_string stuff.


On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 10:15:34PM +0200, Paul Pogonyshev wrote:
Can anyone explain (point to explanation) the difference between these
three methods?  I.e., when implementing a new widget, where do I put
freeing of which resources?  It seems that a single widget can catch
`destroy' signal more than once.  Is this true for finalize/dispose?

Also is there a nice way to watch for memory leaks under GTK+?
Valgrind seems to report many leaks that originate not in my program,
but in X or GTK+.

Thanks in advance

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