Re: ListStore and cell rendering

Why don't you just concatenate the strings you have to a single
Good question.  Well, the column as it stands today _is_ a single 
string.  I'm using GTK2 as a memory display tool.  The TreeView contains 
address and data information, and there is a templating feature that 
labels bit fields with structure members.  Here's an example (hopefully 
you're viewing this in a fixed-width font!):
Column 1     Column 2     Column 3
Address      Data         Binary
a_struct                  |v|status       |data           |
d0000000     ffff          1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I don't wish to make the binary column much wider, but there's a problem if two different single-bit fields in the structure start with the same letter (the code truncates the name to fit). The end user would like to see the original bit field name if it's been truncated, and one way to do that would be to have a tooltip that appears over the 'v' (in this example) and displays "valid". That's where the multiple labels come in, since there can only be one tooltip per widget. The templates can be added at run-time, which is why I won't know in advance how many of these labels I'd need for a given row. I suppose I could re-create the TreeView column every time a new template gets added.. not a pleasant option.
So, how soon until 2.6 comes out??

Cheers -Tim

Thanks for the link!  I have my web browser open to the tutorial while 
writing this.  I'm not too familiar with MVC design and was having a bit 
of trouble learning about it from reading the TreeView API reference :).
Ron Lockwood-Childs
VCT Labs, Inc.

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