Multi threaded access to ListStore


I have a separate thread which generates data slowly and wants to add it
to a GtkListStore, which may or may not be linked to a treeview. What's
the best way to do this?

To make things more complicated, I'm trying to do this through
java-gnome. Please don't let that stop you replying - I am looking for
ways in which this could be done in c which I could then translate to

At the moment, Java-Gnome has a system where you can add functions which
will be executed from the main gtk thread at some point in the future.
Unfortunately adding these methods is very slow - a few people have
looked at it but we haven't worked out how to make it faster.

Are there any alternative approaches we could try? Perhaps there is a
thread-safe version of ListStore?

Any ideas or pointers you have would be greatly appreciated

[Please CC me in replies]

  .''`. Mark Howard
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