Re: Question about g_spawn_sync/child_setup

The g_spawn_sync provides a handy option of providing a setup function
(child_setup) that is executed by the child process before executing the
child's argument vector.  However, child_setup returns void.  Because of
this, there is now way to ensure the success of child_setup before 
executing the argument vector.

I am interested in using child_setup to do some UID manipulation. However,
it is important to ensure that this manipulation does not fail before
executing anything.  How may this be done?  Why does child_setup not
return >> a gboolean that could then be checked by the g_spawn_sync function
executing anything?  I wish to avoid calling fork myself.
    Regardless of whether this is a design flaw or not,
cant you simply `exit()' ?

Of course.  Thanks!


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