problems with WinXP, Dev-Cpp and GTK+

Zvi Sebrow writes:
I'm having problems linking even the simplest of programs using the
latest Dev-Cpp (, and the GTK+2.0 on Windows XP

Sigh. Is there anybody who is *not* having problems with Dev-Cpp and
GTK+...? We see lots of these messages here.

I cannot help but to think that Dev-Cpp and the GTK+ installer they
bundle or recommend is doing more harm than good... Is it really
helpful? Wouldn't it be better for people to learn to use the
command-line compiler first, for simple helloworld programs, then
graduate to Makefiles? In order to successfully use Dev-Cpp, one seems
to need to understand the command line invokation of gcc anyway.

   g++.exe -c main1.c -o main1.o -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include" -mms-bitfields
    -IC:/GTK/include/gtk-2.0 -IC:/GTK/lib/gtk-2.0/include -IC:/GTK/include/atk-1.0
    -IC:/GTK/include/pango-1.0 -IC:/GTK/include/glib-2.0

Why do you use g++ to compile a pure C program? (Not that it seems to
matter, but in some cases it *might* complicate things even further. I
wouldn't know.)

Also, it also doesn't seem to matter, but it makes the command line
look much more sensible if you put the -mms-bitfields and all the -I
flags before the source files.

    main1.o(.text+0x3b):main1.c: undefined reference to `gtk_init_abi_check'

I don't know why you get this. When I run the command line:

g++ -o zvi.exe `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` zvi.c -mms-bitfields `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`

it certainly works OK for me...

 can you please tell me which version of the binaries you are using (and where I can get them).

Unfortunately the site is still down, so my
zipfiles with GTK+ 2.4.1 and dependencies are currently unavailable. I
wish somebody would do something about that. Or perhaps I should start
a SourceForge project for my binaries.


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