Re: gtk-app-devel-list Digest, Vol 3, Issue 27

W li¶cie z pon, 19-07-2004, godz. 00:12, Dave Andruczyk pisze: 
I have an app that uses (GTK+-2.4.1) gtk_progress_bars to display
in a graphical way,  updating more than  a few each time new data comes in
(20times/sec) results in abnormally high processor usage for my app and X.

I've traced it with a profiler, and the gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction() is
call that causes all the trouble.   How does one enable GTK to be compiled
profiling enabled so I can find out why the hell this is so inefficent?

I have other gtk apps (gtk-1.2 actually) that use
gdk_draw_points/lines/rectangles that draw 50,000 points/lines per second
only about 5% X11 usage and 2% app usage.  

updating a progressbar should NOT be such a pig in resource usage...

Are you using Pixmap-engine based theme? I did quick test involving
updating progressbar in timeout handler, with interval set to 5ms, and
with my current (pixmap) theme, it was taking >50% CPU, while with
default GNOME theme it was unmeasurable percentage. Always when you have
performance issues with GTK+, try changing theme :)


I am NOT using a pixmap based theme.  Using one makes the problem MUCH MUCH
worse...  I am trying to update 12-15 progressbars about 20 times per second
for a realtime readout.  That will easily max the CPU of my 366 mhz laptop and
use up to 40% of the cpu of my dual athlon 1200 main system.

That's just plain unacceptable.  I could draw a rectangle 1 pixel at a time and
use less cpu than that...

Dave J. Andruczyk

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