Re: time

Hello christophe!

Tue, 20 Jan 2004 09:37:27 +0100, you wrote: 



How can i do to display the current time dynamically in a status bar ?
I know how to display the time in the the status bar but not how to 
increment the seconds (minutes, hours) and then to display them 
each second.
So how can i update the status bar each second ?

Use a g_timeout, with

Your callback  function will be  called every second (or  whatever you
ask for)  until it  returns FALSE. You  can then update  the statusbar
from this function. However, this will only work while the mainloop is
running, and  will not  'preempt' any long  running function.  In most
graphical app,  when the  mainloop is running  most of the  time, this
should not be  a problem. If you do a long  computation or blocking IO
on a slow device (network socket,  ...), the time may stop - but well,
if  you don't  run he  mainloop, your  widgets will  not  be refreshed

Gael Le Mignot "Kilobug" - kilobug nerim net -
GSM         : (in France)   ICQ UIN   : 7299959
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