Re: g_locale_to_utf8()???

 Oi Murilo - Todo bom ?

gchar*      g_locale_to_utf8                (const gchar *opsysstring,
                                             gssize len,
                                             gsize *bytes_read,
                                             gsize *bytes_written,
                                             GError **error);

  -- You have to pass all of the above arguments:

  When passing GError, you need to do something like.

   GError  *error;

   g_locale_to_utf8( <the other args> , &error);

   Note that the function call will allocate the GError for you in case of a
error -- so, you MUST deallocate ( g_error_free(error)) if there was any error.

  Note also that GError is typedef,
  So, you do not have to do:
   struct GError *error .. just GError *error will do.

  ALL (at least the one I have seen) structs on gtk are typedef'ed, so there is
hardly a need to type the word struct when using glib/gtk

Hope this helps.


--- Murilo Tuvani <murilo_tuvani yahoo com br> wrote:
how do I use this function, I'm trying to use this

char *texto;
int   lido;
gsize *tamanho;

lido=fread(texto, sizeof(char), aributos->st_size,

g_locale_to_utf8(texto, lido, tamanho, NULL);

but it says

callbacks.c:5614: too few arguments to function

if I use 
struct Gerror **errors;
g_locale_to_utf8(texto, lido, tamanho, errors);

when I compile it says:

callbacks.c:5614: warning: passing arg 4 of
`g_locale_to_utf8' from incompatible pointer type


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