Re: Java Versus gtk

On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 14:16:47 -0700 Michael Torrie wrote:

On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 13:47, Harring Figueiredo wrote:
 Also, remember that a QT license must be purchased before you start writing
the code (for non-open source/free software)..Read it for more details.

 I forgot to mention also that I have seem really cool interfaces running on
both Win and Linux using GTK -- Gkrelmm comes to mind -- things like this is
not easily done in Java -- in MY opinion.

What about java bindings for gtk?  Would that not give you the best of
all worlds?  Or Gtk# and mono for that matter.

Did anyone use the Eclipse SWT toolkit yet? (

As the GUI framework for a non-trivial application like Eclipse it can
definitely be considered a viable alternative.  For me, at least, it
would be one of the (few) reasons to have a look at Java again...

In a nutshell it is basically a "thin" abstraction layer for native
toolkits (thinner than Swing at least).  On Unix, it uses Gtk as the
native toolkit.


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