maximum space allocated for widgets

        Hi, this is a GTK1.2 question but, I think, it is equally valid for GTK

        Suppose the following situation: an hbox packed into come other widget.
The hbox contains among other things a label which has been packed with
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 0); According to
the gtk_box_pack_start arguments, the label should expand and fill all
the available space.
        All I can tell from my testing is that, in practice, the width of the
widget will vary depending on how much text is in the label and the
label width will not be equal to the available space in the hbox. (These
test results were result of numerous checks on
        The question is: is there a way that I can get the label to take up all
the available space right from the beginning? My application needs to
know all the space available to the label widget.


Mitko Haralanov
voidtrance at comcast dot net
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