Re[2]: GtkDialog Usage

The main idea: didn't create dialog each time, because it required too much time,
create it once.

But in any way it didn't help.

I try this code:
#if 0
  gint res=gtk_dialog_run(dialog);
  return res;

dialog = gtk_dialog_new();
//fill dialog with widgest

gint res=gtk_dialog_run(dilog);
return res;

But it DIDN'T solve the problem.

-----Original Message-----
From: Harring Figueiredo <harringf yahoo com>
To: jan jakon <janjakon mail ru>
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2004 07:34:30 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: GtkDialog Usage

--- jan jakon <janjakon mail ru> wrote:

I have problem with GtkDialog.

In my application there is main window, on main window there is button wich
the follow code:
  gint res=gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(window));
  return res;

dialog = gtk_dialog_new();
//fill dialog with widgest

gint res=gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(window));
return res;

If I didn't click on button which show dialog all right.
But if I click, then after close main window program still alive,
and only Ctrl+C help to close it.

   You are not destroying the dialog.
   try  gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); 

  once you are done with it.


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