Re: Multithreaded GTK application

On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 05:58:17AM -0000, Akhil  Mehta wrote:

I am developing a multi-threaded (pthreads) GUI application using GTK
2.0 library on Red Hat Linux 9.0. 

You should consider doing a non threaded application. The user interface
(in your case GTK) only want to be notified by "events" that comes from
lets say the keyboard, network layer or some *file discriptor*.

There is very good mechanisms in Unix to watch for evnets on file

select, poll or kernel queues

man kqueue

     The kqueue() system call provides a generic method of notifying the 
     user when an event happens or a condition holds, based on the 
     results of small pieces of kernel code termed filters.  A kevent is 
     identified by  the (ident, filter) pair; there may only be one 
     unique kevent per kqueue.


Note that you must have a multicpu system to take advantage of
threads. (A theraded application is allways slower than an application
that runs as many processes - in a singel cpu system).

Application has 3-4 GUI threads i.e. one window in each of the 3-4 GUI

Why not devide your application into several processes. This is
easy to do! And the problem you have will "go away".

I am putting gtk_main() in my main thread for GUI messages handling
for all threads. Is there any way I can process GUI messages in each
of the GUI thread?

If you organize your application differently this problem will not

Can any one help me on this issue?

Please read "Advanced programming in the UNIX environment" by
Stevens. He have many answers. Ant the GTK program is just 
another process.

Göran Hasse

Göran Hasse            email: gh raditex se     Tel: 08-6949270
Raditex AB       Fax: 08-4420570
Sickla Alle 7, 1tr                              Mob: 070-5530148
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