Re: tree model complaints

On Sunday 15 August 2004 15:30, D M wrote:

Yes, thats true, but my point is :no matter how underlaying data
are structred I have to provide both methods ( or even three
- path to iterator conversion)

"both methods" = _iter_next() and _iter_nth_child()?  If yes, then how would 
one know how to emulate one using the other without either keeping track of 
the N of each iter, or doing expensive iter_to_path conversions? Both is 
rather pointless just to save those 1% of people who do need to implement 
custom tree models 5 lines of code. For most people GtkListStore and 
GtkTreeStore will do just fine, the others usually know what they want and 
want maximum control (and don't mind an extra 5 lines).

Or maybe I'm just not understanding you right?


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