Re: Set the background color in GTK1

Am Di, den 20.04.2004 schrieb Chris Manning um 09:46:
:up! What's 
:going on out there that people need to set the colour of their widgets 
:to something other than what the user wants?

The reason I would do it is that the default themes that come with any
operating system are usually crap. Oh look, another shade of grey or beige,
or hey, why not pumpkin yellow or a bad combination of green and purple for
the wacky-at-heart. 

Sorry, I'm sick of these themes, and most users wouldn't know how to go
about finding different themes either (or, like me, they can't be bothered -
it's an incredible waste of time). So, why not inflict my own colour scheme
on users, the way other programmers inflict awful themes on me. An eye for
an eye, baby. It's all fine and proper and egalitarian to say that the user
should be able to change their own schemes, but usually, they don't. As far
as I'm concerned, a cohesive colour scheme is part of any good design.
Leaving anything up to the user usually results in an ugly mess ;).

Don't forget to give your users a chance to change it, some need to
(think abut people with handicaps). If you're not careful your program
wil be unusable for them.


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