Re: Set the background color in GTK1


The only reason I want to set it, is to set the background black on the 
gtk_window is so that the mplayer video I am playing in the gtk_drawing_area 
in a gtk_window has black borders when the gtk_window covers the screen. 
Otherwise I prefer to keep the theme.


On Monday 19 April 2004 02:21 pm, Chris Seaton wrote:
Kevin DeKorte wrote:
I have an application that I am working on that I need to set a
GtkWidow's background color. I have been able to do this in GTK2 pretty
easily, but how do I change in GTK1? I'm writing my app to work in both
GTK1 and GTK2 because it is a mozilla plugin and mozilla ships in both

I can't help you, but I'm interested in why people are so interested in
setting the background colour of widgets. It's always coming up! What's
going on out there that people need to set the colour of their widgets
to something other than what the user wants?

Chris Seaton

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