Re: Refreshing the GUI without gtk_main ()

On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 22:44:32 +0200
Andrej Prsa <andrej prsa fmf uni-lj si> wrote:

Hello everyone!

I wrote an interactive scripter with its own loop that runs in the
terminal. This scripter is a back-end of the dedicated GUI. But since it
has its own eternal loop, the GUI doesn't refresh. I can refresh it by

      while (gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration ();

but this refreshes the GUI only when the scripter performs a particular
action. While it sits and waits for input, the GUI is frozen.

Any idea how to overcome this?


You could make your scripter event-driven. Connect, for example, a
GIOchannel to the input, and execute your code when input arrives.


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