win32 printing

I'm working on a small application for a group of nurses at John Hopkins, (one being my girl friend :)).
They need an application to print out time sheets used for keeping track
of when patients need treatment. The actual logic of the application is very simple. The tricky part is figuring out how to print (at least for me having zero experience doing any kind of printing in win32 or linux). I've been doing some reading; learning the different methods for printing in win32.

I've put together a small application that looks like the following

source code here:

I think what I need to do to print is the following:

1.  draw to a GdkPixmap
2. get the GdkPixbuf from the Pixmap
3. pass the GdkPixbuf ( which I believe is just raw image data? ) to the function described here;EN;138594

I think my reasons for being unsure about how to proceed are because win32 refers to images as bitmaps while gtk+ refers to them as pixmaps. Are they the same?
And are they interchangeable?



Attachment: taf2.vcf
Description: Vcard

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