Help me out of this trouble!

        Hi everybody,
        I am very new to Gtk.I have used it only once that too long back.
        Currently we are developing a GUI for a mobile application.. 
        We need to use Gtk ( using Glade tool ) under windows 2000 and then
port it on a completely different 
        platform ( ttpcom platform). All the functionality of the GUI
controls are to be platfom independent..
        please suggest me how to proceed and also if  possible give me  a
raw design of the implementation.
        thanking you,

       Raghavendra U Adrakatti,
       HCL Technologies, 
        Netcentric Technologies Division(WESG), 
      A-5, Sector 24, NOIDA (UP) - 201301.
      Tel:+91 120 2411502 Ext: 2338
      Raghavendraa noida hcltech com
      adrakatti yahoo com
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