Re: Aborting a DnD from drag-begin using gtk_drag_finish raises critical warning

On Sat, 2004-04-10 at 19:42, Chris Seaton wrote:

I have a tree view with list store that I've set up as a drag source. 
I'm not using the tree view DnD wrappers as in my application I want to 
drop into the items in another tree view, and with the wrappers it gives 
feedback as if it were going to insert between the items, and not drop 
into them.

When the user drags and there is nothing selected I want to abort the 
drag. I'm testing to see if anything is selected in the drag-begin 
handler, but when I use gtk_drag_finish I'm warned

If you don't always let the user begin a drag, then don't let them
begin the drag; once a drag is started, it can only be finished by
the user.

That means:

 - Call gdk_drag_begin rather than having GTK+ do it for you
 - Use gtk_drag_check_threshold() to make the checking for drag-start
   consistent with GTK+


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