Re: GtkTreeView +ListStoreModel +Column Highlighting


Tue, 23 Mar 2004 10:50:17 -0600, you wrote: 

I've got a treeview that uses a liststore model. The liststore is comprised
of {GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF and G_TYPE_STRING}. Each pair is placed in multiple
columns side-by-side:
     [icon + name] [icon + name]
     [icon + name] [icon + name]
I want to treat each pair as a single column, but more importantly I want
only those pairs to be selected, e.g. highlighted. I've connected the signal
'button-press' on the treeview, it returns TRUE to stop the handler from
propagating. I've tried various calls in the handler to get a highlighted
column. gtk_paint_focus, gtk_paint_flat_box, gdk_draw_rectangle... nothing
appears. Anybody have any ideas how to do this? Is there an easier way to do
this? Any suggestions would help.

 You  can  group several  renderers  in  the  same column,  using  the
 gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start   and   gtk_tree_view_column_pack_end

Gael Le Mignot "Kilobug" - kilobug nerim net -
GSM         : (in France)   ICQ UIN   : 7299959
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