Re: gtk progress bar and gdk_flush()

On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 12:01:27 -0400
"Tom Liu" <tom liu flextrade com> wrote:


I am working on the progress bar, I can't my progress bar updated in a
Even the gdk_flush() can't make it update on screen.

You don't give GTK+ the opportunity to update the screen. Remember GTK+ is event
driven. Add the following code to your loop, and it should work.
int done;
GtkWidget pg;
char msg[100];

for (done=0;done<100;done+=20){
      sprintf (msg,"%d was done" , done);
        /* Add the following code */
        while (gtk_events_pending ()) {
                gtk_main_iteration ();
        /* remove the sleep call, it will block your application. */
      /* sleep(1); */ // do something take a long time.

A better strategy is to do the work (and update the progress bar) in a timeout
function, with gtk_timeout_add(). Note that this timeout function should only do
a small bit of work. It will be called repeatedly, so you can do part of your
work every time the timeout is called by GTK+.

Think of timeouts as loops with GTK+ assistance.

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