Re: Extra callback parameters

mrada wrote:


Where does one find the signal names, like "clicked", above?

A signal "belongs" to a class.

A signal is normaly created in the <libname>_<classname>_class_init(); function
(example gtk_button_class_init(); )

A class normaly has a source & a header file to define itself in the file: <libname><classname>.[ch]
(example gtkbutton.c & gtkbutton.h)

So, seeing as "clicked" is a "signal" belonging to the "class" button
(the button class handles "button_press_event" and "button_release_event" and provides the "clicked" signal), you'll find the definition of the button's "clicked"
signal in gtkbutton.c in the function gtk_button_class_init().

Furthermore, If I'm not mistaken, any amount of classes in gtk are allowed to create/define and "own" a signal with the same name so long as a parent class
has not already declared a signal with that name.


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