Re: calling external programs

On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 11:01, Dave Mason wrote:
Hi,  I'm a newbie to gtk, and I need to call a system() function and have 
its output show up in a separate frame(?) or dialog box or window or 
something.  Do you just create the new widget, make it active, then make the 
system() call?  What's the recommended widget to use - a window?

In your shoes, I would call popen() instead:

FILE *pfile = popen ("ls -l", "r") ;
char buf[256] = "" ;
int ic = 0 ;

while (!feof (pfile))
  ic = fread (buff, 1, 256, pfile) ;
  /* Now buf contains ic characters of output */

pclose (pfile) ;

See, popen () allows you to treat the input XOR the output of a process
as a file.  This way, you can read from XOR write to it, respectively.

As for the widget to display the text, I'd say a GtkTextView would be a

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