Re: fonts in GTK?

stan huang wrote:

 Does GTk provides fonts such as special character
like pi or other mathematical symbols? IF so, how can
I get access to it? thanks.

Fonts are not provided by GTK itself, but by the underlying window system (actually on X11 it uses freetype). To display a particular symbol you need to know what font it comes from and what character code it uses. Under Windows you can use the Character Map accessory to find this out. On Windows XP you can find it here:
    Start\Programs\Accessories\System Tools\Character Map

For example, under Windows XP, I can display a lowercase pi character by displaying the unicode character 03c0 ("\xcf\x80" in utf-8) in just about any font. I would also disply it in italic using a pango markup string if I was using it in an equation "<i>\xcf\x80</i>". I think that this would also work the same under X11 if you are using a unicode font that includes that symbol. Testing that, I can see that it doesn't look much like a 'pi'. It looks much better in a serif font, so the full markup string is this:
    "<span font_family=\"serif\" style=\"italic\">\xcf\x80</span>"

Tim Evans
Applied Research Associates NZ

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