Re: quetion about gtk_input_add()

ZHOU DX wrote:

Hi there,

Just a question about gtk_input_add(). I know that we
can use gtk_input_add() to monitor a socket in the gtk
main loop, and get notified if something happens to
I am just wondering if there is any similar way to
check if a gthread is finished in the gtk event loop.
(Say I have four gthreads doing some time consuming
work. After all of them finish, I need display
something on the main window.)
Any idea? Thanks.

You could dedicate a thread to that.

i.e. (please dont expect precice code or argument order... this is
obviously off the top of my head):

GList *dead_threads = NULL;
GMutex *killer = g_mutex_new();
GCond   *kill_cond = g_condition_new();

g_thread_create( ... );

(in a child thread)
dead_threads = g_list_append(dead_threads, g_strdup("database_thread"));
g_condition_signal(... kill_condition ...);
(in the "controller" thread)
g_cond_wait( ... killer... kill_condition...);

list = g_list_first(dead_threads);
while (list && list->data) {
   /* */
   g_print("*** reaping thread %s ***\n", list->data);

g_thread_join(/* use somthing associated with string list->data */);
   list = list->next;
/* free list ofcourse */

This is one of I'm sure many ways of writing "event based" code
for thread exits. (probably you can even catch the thread's exit status
with g_thread_join).


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        -- Francios Baumier

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