GtkTreeView & Glade 1.1.3

Hello list members,

I have been searching high and low for some documentation and examples
of working with the GtkTreeView widget in Glade 1+.  I noticed that the
old GtkCList is deprecated, so I'm trying to get used to how GtkTreeView

The first hangup is that I can find no real configuration in Glade for
the widget.  I can add it to a container, and it shows up with 2 column
headers, but that seems to be as far as you can go in Glade?  Is there
no way to configure the number of columns, column header text, set up
the cells in Glade?

If it is not possible, can somebody direct me to where I can find docs
on the basic 123 of finishing up the widget configuration in code?  I've
been running through the API docs for Gtk quite a
bit, but since it does not seem to provide examples, it's very difficult
to get rolling with stuff.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Justin Hopper <gus gusalmighty com>

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