Re: Re: Re: Re: problems with linking and headers

On Tue, May 20, 2003 at  4:39:10 +0300, tihomir belev wrote:
well.. so i have GTK2.0 and that's why i can't use the gdk_display_get_default fuction, but what's the way 
then to use a Xlib func inside a GTK app having a GTK version < 2.2 ? practically that's what i need

Why not use 2.2?

I'm not sure why you need gdk_display_get_default to use
Xlib stuff. Seems to me you would want GDK_WINDOW_XDISPLAY
or similar.

and more straightforward: i want to detect the actual key-release event; i know how to do it with Xlib but 
i don't know the corresponding GTK function for XQueryKeymap. there already were discussions on that and it 
was suggested that one should use the time stamps of the events but when i receive one of the false 
key-release events and check for more events (key-press events) within the handler function, they seem not 
to have arrived yet. well .. i can afford some delay of a few miliseconds but that seems far too clumsy and 
ugly. isn't there some reasonable and so to say clean way to detect the actual release of a key in GTK ?

I don't know, can't help you with that.


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