Re: Displaying video4linux grayscale captures in GTK?

Quoted by a cadre of sexy rats
For `Neoklis Kyriazis <neoklisk cytanet com cy>' 
On Thursday, 15 May 2003 (08:53):

I am experimenting with the video4linux API for self-training, using an
OV511+ based webcam as source. I have successfully displayed streaming
color images using:
        Get "Grabbo", from <>; there's an GtkWidget in
the package that does what you need (GtkVcl IIRC).

 Leandro Pereira              (oO)           <leandro linuxmag com br>            /||\                 GPG key: 0x062E7976

         "Se você obedece a todas as regras, acaba perdendo
                toda a diversão." --Katherine Hepburn

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