Re: adding mysql support

Hello Harring,

that's very russian to me :))

do you have any example with another lib?
eg. a part of the Makefile or so


 Hello Daniel,

 I do not have ANY experience with MySQL, but here is my try:

 See if mysql has some type of .pc file or .m4 macros -- if it has, you can set
up you LIBS and CFLAGS on your to add the:
  `pkg-config --cflags ` for the CFLAGS`
   pkg-config --libs ` for the  LIBS.

  Or --using m4 -- you can see what is the .m4 macro that mysql has and see if
they defined some type of m4 function that you can call to set your CFLGAS and

   If all of the above is greek or russian to you, let me know and I can give
more details.


--- Daniel Schlager <dschlager kaindl com> wrote:
Hello List,

how can i add libmysqlclient to the Makefile which
is created from glade

i have included mysql/mysql.h but this one needs to add libmysqlclient
to the Makefile



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