Single or Multiple Windows?

I am new to developing for GTK+ and I have a simple question.  I have looked around but have not found the answer to this question; it was probably assumed the answer was obvious.
I am writing an application which needs only one window, but the contents of that window need to change.  This is a simple POS application and the buttons need to change depending on the user selections.
The question is this: do I create one window and multiple sets of layouts, or do I create a different window for each layout.  I have been using Glade for the interface design, but I don't see any way to have multiple containers occupying the same space in the window (though they won't be displayed at the same time).  Can I do this under Glade or will I need to hand-code it?  I don't see why a new window would need to be created for every screen when all I have to do is change the contents in the window.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thank you!
James Wesolowski
<james_wesolowski yahoo com>

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