Porting CList to GTK2


I have the following code which uses a Clist which I need to
port to GTK2. Does anyone know whether I can just simply change
the Clist to a GtkListStore or is it not that simple.

Here's the code:

the_file_list = GTK_CLIST (GTK_FILE_SELECTION (file_selection)->file_list);
  gtk_clist_clear (the_file_list);
  the_directory =
(gchar*)gtk_file_selection_get_filename (GTK_FILE_SELECTION (file_selection));

  files_count =
    scandir (the_directory, &directory_entries, not_a_dot_file,
  gtk_clist_freeze (the_file_list);
  for (entry = 0; entry < files_count; ++entry)
      file_entry_name[0] = directory_entries[entry]->d_name;
      full_path_name =
        g_strjoin ("/", the_directory, file_entry_name[0], NULL);

      /* file exists, that should be obvious but... */
      if (!stat (full_path_name, &file_information))
          /* file is not a directory... */
          if (!S_ISDIR (file_information.st_mode))
              /* ...and matches the pattern */
              if (fnmatch (the_pattern, file_entry_name[0], 0) == 0)
                  gtk_clist_append (the_file_list, file_entry_name);
      /* don't use g_free, cause that's allocated with malloc () */
      free (directory_entries[entry]);
      g_free (full_path_name);
  gtk_clist_thaw (the_file_list);

Thanks in advance


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