DnD polling source coordinates inside of target


I am working with DnD in my app right now.  So far it has been fairly
simple to implement.  The one problem I am having is with getting up to
date coordinates of a dragged item hovering over the target.  

Basicly I am getting a drag_motion signal every time the source enters
the target (the target is a widget drived from gnome-canvas).  It seems
the signal is not thrown again unless the source exits and then reenters
the target.  

I want to either poll the mouse location in a timed callback or have
mouse move events sent to me while the source is still within the target
area.  I tried using a motion-notify-event but that never seems to

The reason I want to do this is to give feedback to the user where the
item will be inserted before they make the decision to drop.


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