Re: interaction between widgets

On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 08:07:13 -0800 (PST)
Harring Figueiredo <harringf yahoo com> wrote:

 When you create your signal fucntion, you can pass a pointer to whatever
widget you want.
  Something like this:

 g_signal_connect(button_on_toolbar, button_callback_handler, "activate",
(gpointer) my_notebook);

ok, but, the my_notebook pointer isn' t in the create_menubar() function

I use some functions to create widgets, but where should I put the g_signal_connect ?
In the same function?

for the case of the menubar, which have a lot of use in the application, should I put all the 
g_signal_connect in the same fonction which create the menubar ?the problem is that if I want interaction 
with outside widgets, I should pass all the pointer to these widgets as parameter in the function which 
create the menu bar.It isn' t very clean I think.
What advice can you give me ?

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