GdkPixbuf pixel data weirdness


I hope that someone can help me with this one. I am trying to draw into a gdkpixbuf pixel by pixel, in a solid color, with a black border around the edge (one pixel wide). I thought it was working until a few days ago, when I changed the size of the pixbuf and things went pearshaped. When the width of the pixbuf is a multiple of 4, it works (20, 24, 28...). With any other width, its as though I have offset the data somehow - the pixbuf appears striped and the border comes in diagonally.

Here are the code snippets:

First, I create the pixbuf:
colorpixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB,

Then, on an expose event, I draw the pixbuf:
for (y=0; y<BUTTONSIZE; y++) {
 for (x=0; x<BUTTONSIZE; x++) {
   if (x == 0 || y == 0 ||
       x == BUTTONSIZE-1 || y == BUTTONSIZE-1 ) {
     *pos++ = 0;
     *pos++ = 0;
     *pos++ = 0;
   else {
     *pos++ = red;
     *pos++ = green;
     *pos++ = blue;

The pixbuf is on a drawingarea, and is rendered to it after the above bit of code.

Has anyone got any ideas, because I cant see what is going wrong here!

Best regards,


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